Difference between revisions of "Keys"

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Line 47: Line 47:
* [[Silver Key]]
* [[Silver Key]]
* [[Main Chamber Key]]
* [[Main Chamber Key]]
==Tomb Raider: Adventures of Lara Croft==
* [[Blue Security Pass]]
* [[Boiler Room Key]]
* [[Cathedral Key]]
* [[Code Clearance Disk (blue)]]
* [[Code Clearance Disk (green)]]
* [[Commander Bishop's Key]]
* [[Crowbar]]
* [[Detonator Switch]]
* [[Embalming Fluid]]
* [[Flue Room Key]]
* [[Gate Control Key]]
* [[Generator Access]]
* [[Generator Access Card]]
* [[Hangar Access Key]]
* [[Hut Key]]
* [[Indra Key]]
* [[K4]]
* [[Key of Ganesha]]
* [[Keycard type A]]
* [[Keycard type B]]
* [[Launch Code Pass]]
* [[Lead Acid Battery]]
* [[Lt. Tuckerman's Key]]
* [[Maintenance Key]]
* [[Masonic Mallet]]
* [[Oceanic Mask]]
* [[Old Penny]]
* [[Ornate Star]]
* [[Scimitars]]
* [[Serpent Stone]]
* [[Smuggler's Key]]
* [[Solomon's Key]]
* [[Swamp Map]]
* [[Ticket]]
* [[Tower Access Key]]
* [[Uli Key]]
* [[Vault Key]]
* [[Winch Starter]]
* [[Yellow Security Pass]]

Revision as of 23:56, 10 January 2008

In each Tomb Raider game Lara can find a number of keys. They will be needed to open doors or set things in motion.

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider Unfinished Business

Tomb Raider: The Dagger of Xian

Tomb Raider: Adventures of Lara Croft

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider Anniversary