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Crafting is a method of creating new Gear, Weapons, or Ammo, or enhancing existing one in Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Lara can craft new equipment at any Base Camp, while ammo can be crafted "on-the-fly" by pressing and holding the crafting buttons corresponding to the weapon one wants ammo crafted for; e.g. if the Bow is selected, holding RT/R1 creates Arrows, while holding RB/R2 creates Poison Arrows or Fire Arrows depending on what secondary ammo is selected.

Some crafting options are only available after Lara obtains the Crafting Tool.

Crafting always costs Resources, so scavenging for material is essential for survival. Important crafting materials are Hardwood and Feathers (for arrows), Cloth and Herbs (for healing), and Mushrooms (for poison arrows and traps).

Crafting at Base Camps

Equipment Crafting Menu

Lara can craft all every possible item (as long as she learned the needed skill) while sitting down at a base camp, except for hand-held explosives.

To craft an item select "Inventory" from the base camp menu. Here you can select between ammo and Equipment.

Quick Crafting

Lara can craft ammunition on-the-go by pressing and holding the following buttons:

  • RT - selected weapon's ammo
  • RB - selected secondary ammo
  • LB - Bandages
  • R1 - selected weapon's ammo
  • R2 - selected secondary ammo
  • L2 - bandages
  • Left Mouse Button - selected weapon's ammo
  • Middle Mouse Button- selected secondary ammo

Note: Not all ammo can be crafted, like bullets, and crafting some ammo has to be learned first by activating the necessary Skill at a base camp, e.g Hollow-point Bullets and Dragonfire Shells. (See tier 2 and 3 of urvivor Upgrades.)

Lara can only craft and-held explosives after learning the necessary skills and while holding the appropriate item in her hand (e.g. a bottle for crafting a Molotov Cocktail). Likewise crafting Body Traps is only possible while standing near an fallen enemy.


Health 01-Cloth.png 02-Herbs.png 03-Hide.png 04-Salvage.png 05-Mushrooms.png 06-Hardwood.png 07-Feathers.png 08-Oil.png 09-BoarFat.png 10-DeerAntlers.png 11-ExoticHide.png 12-MagnesitOre.png 13-BearHide.png 14-TechnicalParts.png 16-ChromiteOre.png other
Bandages 1 1
Ammo 01-Cloth.png 02-Herbs.png 03-Hide.png 04-Salvage.png 05-Mushrooms.png 06-Hardwood.png 07-Feathers.png 08-Oil.png 09-BoarFat.png 10-DeerAntlers.png 11-ExoticHide.png 12-MagnesitOre.png 13-BearHide.png 14-TechnicalParts.png 16-ChromiteOre.png other
5 Arrows 1 2
3 Poison Arrows 1 3 2 Arrows
3 Fire Arrows 1 1 1 2 Arrows
3 Grenade Arrows 1 4 2 Arrows
2 Rifle Grenades 1 4
7 Hollow-Point Bullets 3 5 Bullets
7 Dragonfire Shells 1 2 5 Shotgun Shells
Bombs 01-Cloth.png 02-Herbs.png 03-Hide.png 04-Salvage.png 05-Mushrooms.png 06-Hardwood.png 07-Feathers.png 08-Oil.png 09-BoarFat.png 10-DeerAntlers.png 11-ExoticHide.png 12-MagnesitOre.png 13-BearHide.png 14-TechnicalParts.png 16-ChromiteOre.png other
Shrapnel Grenade 1 1 Can
Molotov Cocktail 1 1 Bottle
Smoke Grenade 1 1 Glass Jar
Gas Can Bombs 2 1 Gas Can
Proximity Mine 1 1 1 Radio
Body Trap 1 1
Gear 01-Cloth.png 02-Herbs.png 03-Hide.png 04-Salvage.png 05-Mushrooms.png 06-Hardwood.png 07-Feathers.png 08-Oil.png 09-BoarFat.png 10-DeerAntlers.png 11-ExoticHide.png 12-MagnesitOre.png 13-BearHide.png 14-TechnicalParts.png 16-ChromiteOre.png other
Hunter's Quiver 10 4 4
Adventurer's Quiver 13 15 1
Satchel 5 15
Rucksack 9 20 1
Stock-Mounted Shell Holder 9 20 1
Shotgun Shell Bandolier 9 20 2
Rifle Ammo Pouch 10 2
Large Rifle Ammo Pouch 19 10 1
Pistol Ammo Pouch 10 1
Large Pistol Ammo Pouch 6 12 1
Large Oil Flask 12 2 1
01-Cloth.png 02-Herbs.png 03-Hide.png 04-Salvage.png 05-Mushrooms.png 06-Hardwood.png 07-Feathers.png 08-Oil.png 09-BoarFat.png 10-DeerAntlers.png 11-ExoticHide.png 12-MagnesitOre.png 13-BearHide.png 14-TechnicalParts.png 16-ChromiteOre.png other


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