Tomb Raider III Story

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Editing Notice

This article will develop over a large period of time, and until the base layer of it (a full plot) is completed, I urge anyone not to edit or change it in any way.


The following article will explain in high detail the story-line of the 1998 Tomb Raider III. This page, though, does not include high-detail walkthrough information of each level, that can be found in the tombraidergirl pages, but instead the cutscenes and FMV's seen throughout the game. Also, this article will suggest ideas on tackling certain obstacles or enemies, so it can generally be placed between a walkthrough and a game synopsis story.

A lot has happened since Tomb Raider II. Lara Croft is becoming more and more realistic, in the sense that she now can perform new moves that people would expect from her, such as sprinting, or crouching. Along with more intricate levels, Lara is also more detailed, and now has access to more vehicles than ever before, such as a Kayak, Quad Bike and Underwater Propulsion Unit. Other new aspects are as follows:

  • Newer sounds in the game also improve the overall reality. The guns shots actually sound like proper realistic guns shots now, and Lara makes different footstep noises for the different surfaces she walks or runs on. Enemies, such as Tigers, benefit from these new intricate sounds.
  • Enemies have a better recognition and artificial intelligence than previous games. Now enemies can sometimes run away from Lara's shots, or even stealthily crouch out of sight so Lara does not know where they are.
  • Instead of the usual "always kill the enemy" method used in the previous two games, Tomb Raider III introduce some stealth, rather than all action. By this, Lara may have to sneak by an enemy to get an item, or to continue in the level, or to stop them from making a section of the level much more difficult. If they are alerted, they may attempt to close a door that could lead access to a quicker level route, a secret or pick-ups. In most circumstances when you find circumstances like these, you are probably weaponless, in the High Security Compound and the Area 51. Commonly, human enemies don't always know you're there until you enter their line of sight or fire bullets.
  • For the first time in the series, the usual linear gameplay of Tomb Raider is now nonlinear; After the four India Levels, Lara can choose which of the next three locations she wants to go to, and for every location, Lara has a new, and interesting outfit. Also, some of the levels, for the first time in the series, have more than one way to successfully complete them.

However, on a more critic tense, Tomb Raider III introduces Code Disks, laser-activated turret guns, carefully bypassing dangerous energy beams, and navigating through a derelict subway. The problem is that Tomb Raider has now practically lost all of its original Tombs which made the first installment so famous and successful. As Lara, at a certain level, is traversing over the city of London to find a particular artifact, it might as well be called City Raider.

These modern locations were removed in the next game in the series; The Last Revelation, which was designed as a resurrection of the original Tomb Raider.

Tomb Raider 3 introduces music from a more classical instrument selection, rather than the Violins from the previous game. The main theme music still contains the main theme tune of the previous Tomb Raider series under the construction of Core Design, but modernises it make it unique. in all, Tomb Raider 3’s music is much more lively than that of Tomb Raider II, which focused on a quiet atmosphere.

Level Map

The following diagrams and captions will show the levels in the game. Nevada, London and the South Pacific can be played in any order. At the end of the third location of the non-linear section of the game, Lara goes to Antarctica for the climax of Tomb Raider III. Selecting a level will take you to the paragraph section on this article.



South Pacific



Bonus Level

Bonus Level: All Hallows

If the player collects at least 59 out of the total 60 secrets in the game (Note - secrets are irregularly numbered in each level), then they can access the secret bonus level after the Meteorite Cavern level. Completing this level successfully will allow the player to play the game again with unlimited ammo, unlike the previous game, when simply finishing the game once can grant this option. All Hallows was meant to be set between Thames Wharf and Aldwych. It is set in St Pauls Cathedral, perhaps explaining the useless Cathedral Key found as a secret at the end of Thames Wharf, and that she was on the roof of this cathedral at the end of that particular level. It is also explains the unlikelihood that an entrance to a derelict subway lies beneath a church bell tower.


The following paragraphs and sections of information will introduce the story of Tomb Raider III through artifacts and the opening FMV sequence.


Tomb Raider III is mainly about collecting four powerful meteoric artifacts from various places across the globe. Each individual artifact has it's own unique power, but when all four are combined in a Meteorite Cavern deep below the surface of an island just of the coast of Antarctica, they have the power to rapidly accelerate human evolution. Each artifact, no matter what it's individual power, can mutate an living being to a certain extent, but for pure evolution, all four must be collected and put in their respective places in the Meteorite Cavern. The Artifact name, image, power (if known), owner and location are shown below:

width="250" Template:Descline | Artifact width="200" Template:Descline | Image width="250" Template:Descline | Power width="250" Template:Descline | Location width="250" Template:Descline | Owner

Infada Stone


If a person stabs the Infada Stone into their heart (similar to the Dagger of Xian), they then get the power of levitation and to fire beams of compressed atmospherical energy.

Originally inside a Indian Temple.

Worshipped by Infada Tribes, and later stolen by Tony.

Element 115


Unknown power

Inside an alien UFO, in Area 51, Nevada.

It is owned by the US Government.

The Eye of Isis


Can stop the bearer from aging, and, similar to the Infada Stone, get the power of compressed atmospherical energy and to expel it in deadly, super-charged blasts.

Sophia Leigh's Office, London

Sophia Leigh

Ora Dagger


The Ora Dagger allows the controller to summon monsters and beasts, and to manipulate and controls electro-particles in the air, and fire them in a deadly blast of lightning, and also use them defensively, as in an electro-shield.

A South Pacific Island

A cannibalistic tribe and their leader, the Puna

Additional Information:

Ora Dagger and Element 115 Game Development Mistake

An important note is that the Ora Dagger and Element 115 were mixed up during the creation of the game, so in some games, when you complete Nevada, you'll get the Ora Dagger then, and the Element 115 at the end of the South Pacific (though this is just the name; whatever game type the look of the artifact will be the same).

It was revealed in Tomb Raider III: Lost Artifact, the multi-level expansion of Tomb Raider III, that there was a fifth artifact; The Hand of Rathmore. It powers in the Meteorite Cavern are unknown, so perhaps only four are required for the evolution process. The individual powers of this artifact are also unknown.


The following account is completely from the opening sequence.

The Meteorite

The Meteorite
The Meteorite as it plunges through the atmosphere.

Millions of years ago, after the time of dinosaurs, but before the time of humans, a meteorite survived the high density plunge into Earth's atmosphere. It was around the size of a large car, but may of been larger before the atmosphere descent, which would of burned it down to a smaller size. As the introduction clip shows, the animal inhabitants of a tropical area, actually an Antarctica island, millions of years ago, sensed the meteor coming and were immediately alarmed. A few minutes later, the meteor crashed into a bed of trees, exploding everything around it. Over the next few millions of years, this island area of tropical Antarctica became inhabited by Polynesians, early humans. There, they discovered the meteor, and the strange, unnatural powers that it possessed. The Polynesians worshiped this rock, and sculpted four objects of different shape and power from it; the Four Meteoric Artifacts.

As revealed in a clip in the South Pacific Islands section, the inhabitants of these islands fled when one of the natives was born without a face, due to the over-exposure to the meteorite artifacts, similar to the effects of radiation. This naturally shocked the other tribesmen, and so they fled what they now were calling a 'cursed island'. The left the four meteoric artifacts inside a meteorite chamber beneath the Antarctica islands' surface.

It is here, when all four artifacts are combined, that any living thing can be radically evolved.

Present Day (1998)

The excavation site in present-time Antarctica
The mining company RX-Tech, founded by Dr. Mark Willard, set out a mining and drilling excavation in Antarctica to try to find a rumored Meteorite Cavern, which Willard found evidence of in a diary of one of the sailors on the HMS Beagle (he showed this diary to Lara at the end of the India section). Currently, one section of the group is drilling into the ice in order to discover anything. Willard is seen speaking to someone on a phone, though the recipient cannot understand him (whether this was because of his deep scottish accent or a low signal, it is unknown). At this time, the drill bit becomes lodged into some rock (this could be meteoric). The drill breaks, just as a snowmobiler drives up, asking Dr Willard to come to Site 2 (another excavation area). Upon the short journey, Willard asks "Find any more meteorite?". The reply from the snowmobiler is "Little younger than that". When they arrive at Site 2, we see a carved polynesian head, like the ones seen on Easter Island, followed by a camera zoom that shows many more embedded into the snow. Willard then approaches
The Meteorite's destruction
a small depression in the ice. Below it is a small wooden block, bearing the name of one of the crew of the HMS Beagle. The inscription on it reads Paul Caulfield, 1812 to 1834. Willard says "This place has a busy history...".


India Loading.jpg
Lara, has somehow heard of the mysterious Infada Artifact shortly after completing her search for the Dagger of Xian, possibly from the rumours spread among the Infada Tribes around Calcutta, India. At this point, Lara does not know that the Infada artifact is one of a set of four meteoric items. In this section of the game (and the only section) Lara is wearing the Standard Outfit. There is only one human enemy, and that's at the very end. Indian instrument based music is heard occasionally, and a new tropical wildlife background music can be also heard in most of the levels. The rather unncerving background music heard commonly in Tomb Raider I and II has been replaced by a newer remake of this musical background.

India is mainly straight-forward, although does have a small bug located in the Temple Ruins level. Enemies are usually easy to kill (with the large exception of Shiva Statues) and the levels are reasonbly easy.

Note: In India you will enocunter Cobras which will attempt to poison Lara by biting her. If they bite you, you must use a small medi pack (or an equivalent Power-up crystal if you are playing the game on PC) to heal the wound. If this poison bite is ignored, displayed by a yellow flashing health bar that will slowly decrease, than Lara will gradually die.


A Tiger
Lara begins Tomb Raider III upon a massive sloped hill in the higher regions of dense Indian rainforest, presently unsure where the rumoured temple, which houses the artifact, is located. The Shotgun is also secretly hidden in this high area, below a small thicket of rainforest leaves, on a flat section of land at the top of the slope. As you inevitably slide down, if you jump onto the fallen tree trunk spanning the width of the slope, you'll meet a rather harmless monkey. In this level only, the monkeys encountered are harmless, unless you shoot them; then they become aggressive (though their attacks don't cause much damage). Sometimes you may have to kill them, because they may of taken some important item that is essential or needed, and will not give it back. They can also be helpful, leading you to helpful places where you can find an item, or switch, or past traps.
A monkey
Indian Rainforest

The Main aim of this level is to locate the Indra Key and use it to open the door to the temple. After sliding down this huge slope at the beginning of the level, Lara must make her way around a forest courtyard, before using a Zipline to access a deep forest area. In this vicinity, Lara re-meets Tigers (they are only present in this level). They are generally as easy to kill as they were in Tomb Raider II.

Similarly to the Tomb Raider II starting level, The Great Wall, this particular level focuses on getting the player familiar with the controls in a more dangerous environment than the Polaroid, and to put them against several traps (though the number of traps and obstacles in this level is no where near the number in The Great Wall).

Towards the end of this reasonably easy level, the player has to flood a large outdoor rock chamber to access a switch behind a waterfall which opens an underwater door in the same relative area. Beyond this door is an underwater channel leading to a small room with a ladder (in this room is a tiger). At the top of the ladder lies the Indra Key, but you must claim it quickly before a monkey drops down from the treetops and takes it (if he does take it, you have to kill him to get it). After disposing of another tiger appears on the lower ledge with the Indra Key receptacle (the tiger appears upon claiming the key), the key has to be inserted into the lock. This raises the nearby metal grating, accessing the level exit through some swamp (a main adversary in this part of the India section).

Meeting Tony

The camera descends upon a small campsite just below the area of swampland. Communication equipment is set up, along with tents with lanterns at the front. We hear the portable satellite device crackle into sound as someone tries to contact the people here. Dr Willard is heard on the receiving end, shouting "Tony man, I know you're there!"

The Base
"What do you want from me know!"
Tony is suffering from a bit of Jungle Fever, making him paranoid and mad
Despite what Tony said, Lara walks calmly into the temple

Suddenly, we hear a man shout "woohoo!" from somewhere in the vicinity. Lara asks to the area as a whole "Hello? Hello?". A blonde man is seen staggering out of one of the tents shouting "What!? What do you want from me now!?". Lara, a little startled, replies by commenting "Nothing that taxing..." She then asks if he's all right, because of the absurdity of his previous comment.

"If you'll all stop, I might be just fine, just a hundred percent, just, augh!" He grasps his head during this sentence.

If you'll all stop? Who are you talking about? replied Lara, as she was the only other one there.

"All of you, hundreds of you, talking and chattering and breaking my brain up!"

It is then clear that this man, Tony, is suffering from Jungle Fever, and Lara questions his sanity by her reply to that rather mad statement; "Mhm... Well I'm not quite sure where you're coming from, but I just want to know about the Infada Artifact, in the Temple up there." The camera angles up to look at the entrance to the temple.

"Voodoo magic and all, huh? I don't touch the stuff myself" comments Tony. His absurd comments are now starting to annoy Lara.

"It's not voodoo, look, is there anyone else here?" asks Lara, as there is more than one tent in the area."

"Yeah, Randy and Rory..." At this point, Tony starts packing away the equipment around the campsite.

"Randy and Rory? Where? What are you all doing here?"

"Well, they're staying put, in that temple" he says, as he puts a sleeping bag into a metal crate. "I told them not too, I warned them first. Not doing much now I doubt... under half a ton of mudslide."

"Me?", he continues. "I'm leaving." He puts the green laptop and the satellite device into the crate. "Next bus out. This jungle has rooted enough rot into me. I'd offer the same advice to you, but you don't seem like the type to take it, to care if I said you're gonna die in there."

He laughs coldly as he moves up to the edge of the campsite, above a rock ledge, and actually leaving the crate behind. "Yeah, die..." He jumps off, laughter echoing in the distance.

Lara, despite what Tony said, walks calmly into the temple.

Temple Ruins

Temple Ruins is the lengthiest level of the India section, and focuses on collecting five Key's of Ganesha. This level also introduces huge Shiva Statues which are only seen in this particular level of the game.
Temple Ruins
Shiva Statues are similar to the Xian of Tomb Raider II. They start out as stone ornaments, and indeed, some are just stone objects, but others come alive when Lara moves to a certain position. They are the first enemies in the Tomb Raider series so far to be able to protect themselves from gunfire. Alive Shiva Statues use their six swords (or Scimitars) to shield themselves from bullets. For this reason, it is best to use the Pistols instead of any other available gun because you might waste ammo on them when they're protected. To lower their swords and continue firing, you must either hang and drop (then pull up) from a ledge (if you're on one) or move around constantly around the floor, until he lowers his sword. You are safe even on a ledge four clicks high (or the size of a normal movable box), and the statues can't hit you from there. When they eventually succumb, they fall over and turn back into statues. Two of the several Shiva Statues will drop a Scimitar each, and these are to be placed upon a third inactive Shiva Statue to open a nearby door.
Key of Ganesha, and there are five in total
An alive Shiva

Lara starts this level in a small riverside bank. In the area are two cobra and a switch, which accesses a tunnel below. In this tunnel, are two monkeys, which are now hostile to Lara (although they cause little damage). Lara first must ascend to the tree tops above where she began the level, by climbing up a huge mudslide. Then, she must maneuver past, over and through a waterfall and access the first section of the temple, which contains one inactive Shiva Statue. However, the adjoining chamber, accessed by crawling through a small tunnel, does have an alive Statue, which activates when Lara enters this room through the tunnel.

Fighting Shiva

Fighting Shiva can be easy when several elements are put into action, and one of these is taking advantage of the artificial intelligence that the Shiva Statues hold. First, you must decide upon which of the following two tactics you wish to act in fighting a Shiva.

Fighting Shiva in the field
  • Fighting in the Field
  • Ledge Protection

Fighting in the Field is for those confident in fighting these large giants. You do get better action, which is what mainly the series are about, with this method, but it puts you at more risk. Simply, you must run and jump in all directions to escape the Shiva's blade. When it lowers it's swords, shoot in the period he is susceptible (still jumping), and when he raises them again to protect himself, stop shooting. If you continue shooting, he will not lower his swords. Just jump away from him until you can hear him retracting his blades, and, depending on your position, then change direction to shoot. Repeat the overall method until he falls.

The Ledge Protection is for either first-timers or for those uncomfortable with fighting in the field. It can be much slower than the previous method, but definitely much safer. In any area where you fight a Shiva, there will be a ledge in which you can take cover on. Shiva cannot strike you even on lower blocks (minimum height is 4 clicks tall). Try to get onto a ledge as quickly as possible if a Shiva is coming to life, and once there, shoot until he protects himself. When he does, either hang and drop from the ledge and then immediately pull up or run and jump to another ledge if one's there. If the ledge in the room is too low for you to hang and drop, then you must fall back and then climb back on. Once you move, or pull up, the Shiva will lower its swords and you can fire once more until it protects itself again. Then repeat the process until it's dead.

Although, these are just suggestions. In any Tomb Raider, for any enemy, you should find your own way of dealing with them.

Deeper Temple

In the same room as the first alive Shiva, there is a large doorway requiring two Key's of Ganesha in order to open it. Opposite the door way is a ledge with two switches. Both pulled will open one of th, and e two doors in the same area, and the other door will open when a switch below a trapdoor in this room is pulled. Beyond each door is
one of the two Keys of Ganesha needed (beyond a series of traps, obviously). It doesn't matter which direction you head first.

Right Gate

Through the right gate, the door closes behind you, and you must follow and area of swampland and mechanical blades traps (along with poisonous darts). At the end is a large room full of blocks and a main central structure. One block can be moved, so you can access a door on a higher tier, which opens when a switch is pulled on the floor area. Through the door is a drop off into a pool, and a tunnel ending in two parallel switches that opens a trapdoor in the ceiling in the tunnel. Up is an area with a pool, and an inactive Shiva Statue. The door near the ornamental statue opens when a switch is pulled (which can be reached from scaling invisible boxes over the pool. Inside this door is a long rectangular room, with a spike trap at the end. The spike trap starts when Lara pulls the switch, and she must run to the other side to claim the Key of Ganesha and then run back through the door before the spike trap blocks it (it closed when you entered the room, and re-opens when you claim the key). Outside, the pool has now
Another section of the temple
turned to mud, and you must follow the passage and return to the first alive Shiva Statue room.

Left Gate

Through the left gate you have to pass through a tunnel (with a dart trap) and then scale up and around a small valley, until getting to an area with a pit. Over the pit, several boxes need to be reconfigured in order to reach a switch, which floods a pool near where you came through the left gate (which has a water switch). You must then retrace you steps until reaching back at this shallow pool, and to pull the switch, and access the second Key of Ganesha (or first, depending which order you took the gates). Then return through the passage you came in (the left gate to return to the first alive shiva room.

Level Climax

When both
A Scimitar in Lara's inventory
keys are inserted, the doors open, and you have limited time to climb the ladder to the ledge before the spiked ceiling descends. In the room above is two monkeys and another block room with a central structure. One block can be moved so Lara can maneuver to pull two switches to open the door below. Beyond is a room with two alive Shiva Statues. The first one activates when you enter the room, and the second comes to life when you touch the ledge with a third, inactive Shiva Statue. In fact, this Shiva Statue, if you have paid particular attention to how the statues look, it is missing two swords, and this statue is a item receptacle. Each Shiva Statue will drop a scimitar when defeated. Place the Scimitars on the inactive statue to open the door to the final chamber.
In the next chamber, Randy and Rory are seen horribly hovering in mid-air.
One of the two men, probably Rory, hovering on an invisible pole of some sort...
Another of the two men above the pedestal with a Key of Ganesha. He has a weird hole in his stomach, which is probably explained as the Infada Artifact needs to be stabbed deep into the body, and then Tony stole it by ripping it out (as Tony is seen bearing it in the next cutscene)

Another Shiva Statue present comes to life when you approach the third Key of Ganesha from below Randy (or Rory) on the high pedestal. To exit this area, and finish the level, you must find two other Keys of Ganesha. One is inside a room with another falling spiked ceiling. You must quickly pull two switches in this room before the ceiling descends, and then fall into the trapdoor which opened. Below is one Key of Ganesha. Claiming it opens the door in front of you and an access back to the main chamber.

The fifth, and final Key of Ganesha of this level is found in an underwater room in the blue adjacent room to the one with the floating Randy and Rory. However, a current stops you from claiming it, and it pulls you towards an underwater spiked wall. You must carefully maneuver yourself away from the wall and pull the two switches to remove the current. Now you can claim the key.

After placing all three keys into the three receptacles in that area, a door nearby opens, which leads to the level exit, and the next cutscene.

Shooting Tony

The next cutscene is activated upon entering the area past the opened door. Lara is seen sliding down a slope, exiting the temple.

Lara exits the Temple through a slope
Lara sees Tony on the raft, in the River Ganges
A Close up shows that Tony has embedded the Infada Artifact into his heart
Tony uses the powers of the Infada Stone to collapse the Temple

As she reaches the bottom, she balances herself so she doesn't fall over the edge and into the river. She familiars herself with the environment, but suddenly takes a step back as she spots Tony standing on a raft in the middle of the River Ganges (So he hasn't abandoned the Jungle?). At first, he doesn't notice her; he seems to be more interested in the scrutiny of some aquamarine block embedded into his chest. Lara, knowing that this must be the Infada Artifact as the block hasn't killed him, realizes that Tony must of been one step ahead of her, despite what he had said about leaving the Jungle, and had already killed Randy and Rory, one of which had a wound as if something had been stabbed into it. Lara draws her Pistols and begins shooting at Tony on the raft. Tony, now obviously aware of her, just laughs at her retaliation and uses the powers of the Infada Artifact inside his chest to cause the entire temple to collapse. Lara quickly dodges the cylindrical columns of the Temple as they fall around her, finally dodging one last block when she thought it was over. When the camera regains Tony, he is laughing maniacally as he is lost from site around a corner. Lara, ready to battle, starts of running towards where Tony disappeared, but backtracks when she sees a green Quad Bike placed by a waterfall, most probably left by Tony. She runs to it, and that's where the cutscene ends, along with the level.

The River Ganges

This level focuses on using the Quad Bike to span certain gaps that would be impossible to cross with Lara alone. Most of the level is about doing this particular method. If you're finding the Quad Bike controls difficult to master, especially if you are used to the different Tomb Raider II controls if you played that game before this one, you should most definitely practice on the Quad Bike at Lara's house.

The River Ganges
Certain gaps only reachable by the Quad Bike

By using the Handbrake Acceleration control (hold down the handbrake (the "?" Key) while motionless then press the forward directional button for a few seconds before letting go) you should be able to pass over most gaps. Also, whilst in the vehicle, you can run over the still violent monkeys, who seem to stay still and not attack while you're on the Quad Bike. One last important note is that the Quad Bike will explode if you ride off a particularly high cliff to an area below, and it will also explode if you fall into the river, killing Lara instantly. In this level, you will get off the Quad Bike often.

A Stone Quad Bike bridge

If you fall into the main course of the river, you will not be able to surface, and you'll either drown or get devoured by the Piranhas in the water. If you survive the path of the long river to the end, it is a dead end, and also a piranha infestation.

You will not be able to see Tony when you regain control of Lara after the cutscene. Using the Quad Bike you first must scale the many gaps across the river or several gorges. As said before, this is what the level is mainly about about (an important note is that some gaps or gorges may have a ladder leading down to a Secret, so it's worth checking the sides of the put for a climbable surface).

Later on in the level, you will experience a very narrow path around a cliff along with a tight corner (or two) that must be carefully driven round, followed by a vulture valley.

Vultures are easy enemies that can be seen from a distance, but usually come in packs of two or three. Their shadows are a clear giveaway, along with their incisive and annoying calls. They attack with their claws and beak, but do not cause much health damage.

Towards the end of the level, you will leave the Quad Bike for the last time above a waterfall. At the bottom, you can see the raft Tony was on crashed and broken on the bank of the river. He rode the course of the Ganges and fell of the edge of this waterfall, crashing into the river plunge-pool below. The powers of the Infada Stone may of saved him.

Behind the banks and waterfalls where Tony's raft was is a hidden tunnel, leading to the darkened Caves of Kaliya.

Caves of Kaliya

The maze-like Caves of Kaliya
The Cobra Cave

The Caves of Kaliya level is generally very frustrating, cave maze The maze section of this short level is divided into three separate levels; a higher, middle and lower. The middle level can be completely ignored if intended, but more pick-ups are found when going through this part. Caves of Kaliya can be very annoying if you constantly find yourself in dead ends that look too familiar, or areas you're sure you've been to before. A good walkthrough, such as the tombraidergirl [1] ones, are required if you find this level particularly hard, or for an unconfident first time, and make sure you only save when you are sure you have reached another section level of the Caves of Kaliya, in case you get hopelessly lost in some of the tunnels (although the PS Players can restart the level). You can tell if you have reached another level by a large drop off leading to an area below.

The maze contains not only Lara-height passages, but also many crawl-spaces.

Throughout the maze you will find numerous Cobras (the amount will depend on the route you take), but at the very end, you will experience a small cave full of ten cobras. The cave entrance hole may be illuminated strangely when first approached, but this is just because of the crystal which is hovering above. Carefully hang and drop into the below cave after lighting a flare, and if you're lucky, all four currently alert Cobras should be just be standing still watching Lara upon her fall. Select one Cobra to shoot and back away from it (don't worry, any other Cobra will not attack as long as you walk!). Shoot it, and it shouldn't be able to reach you, and soon enough it will crumple. Do this for the remaining three Cobras, before discovering the other six cobras by approaching the area with the lit passageway. A boulder will fall at this point, so either move out of its way or jump backwards over it to avoid it.

After more easily disposing of the remaining six cobras, you can safely crawl through the opening at the end of the passageway until you can stand. Below is a long slope leading to another seemingly partially water filled chamber. However, this will be the fighting arena for fighting the Indian boss, Tony, and the claiming area of the legendary Infada Stone.

Killing Tony

Tony has made his way to a great antechamber below the surface area. Now Lara must fight and kill him in order to claim the Infada Stone from his defeat.

Tony launches fire balls (Image 1)
Tony using the Infada Stone to toxin the water (Image 2)

After collecting a save crystal, slide down the slope, pistols drawn. NB: I do not advise using the Shotgun as it has a low effect on Tony from the safe distance you should be from him, and you'll just waste ammo. Besides, the Pistols are actually stronger in this circumstance.

As soon as he's in view when you're sliding down the slope, start shooting. When you reach the bottom, he'll start levitating himself using the powers of the Infada Stone. Sidestep twice to either the left or right so you have room to slide flip (still shoot while doing this). In a blast of Infada energy (Image 2) which sweeps the room, Tony will covert the the water between the four islands in the chamber into a deadly fire induced liquid, also making it much shallower. Do not fall into the toxin, or Lara will instantly die.

Tony will then start using the power of the Infada Stone to throw fireballs at you (Image 1). Wait until he is on the verge of firing one blast, before side-jumping either to the left or right depending on the initial direction you side-stepped to. Obviously, still shoot. The fireball should miss Lara. Repeat the process.

He will fall surprisingly quickly, and his body will disintegrate into nothing after a second Infada energy blast. The Infada Artifact will be left on his central island after his demise.

Alternatively, instead of staying on one island, you can quickly move around the other three while shooting, though this may take slightly longer (however, minimizing the chance of being hit by the fireballs). This method's main drawback is when quickly maneuvering around the islands, you may fall into the fire induced water due to the camera angle when your weapons are locked on Tony.

Before picking up the Infada Artifact (which ends the level), you may want to pick up the three pick ups elsewhere in the room (you would of noticed these if you jumped from island to island, but you couldn't stop and pick them up because Tony would fry Lara). They are a Small Medi Pack, some Grenades, and the Grenade Launcher left behind by Tony before Lara arrived in this chamber.

Now you can pick up the Infada Stone to end the level with a FMV Cut-Scene.

Level No. India Level Number of Enemies (Maximum) Types of Enemies Number of Secrets Types of Traps and Obstacles Significant Finds
01 Jungle 9* Monkeys, Tigers, Piranhas (cannot be called) 6 Swamp, Rolling Boulders, Spikes and Spiked Walls Indra Key, Shotgun
02 Temple Ruins 31 Monkeys, Shiva Statues, Piranhas (cannot be killed), Cobras 4 Swamp, Mechanical Blades, Poison Darts, Boulders, Spiked Walls, 5 Key's of Ganesha
03 The River Ganges 34 Vultures, Monkeys, Piranhas (cannot be killed), Cobras 5 Quad Bike jumps, Current Affected Water Quad Bike
04 Caves of Kaliya 15 Cobras, Tony (Boss) 0 Maze, Deadly Fire affected Water Infada Stone, Grenade Launcher

* (Not including the Monkeys)

Dr Willard

Lara emerging from some bushes, with the Caves of Kaliya behind her
Dr Willard meeting Lara
The Infada Stone in this FMV sequence

This high detailed FMV Cutscene begins with Lara emerging back into the River Ganges area, with the Caves of Kaliya behind her. Momentarily looking around her surroundings, she suddenly hears someone from her left shout ""Hey!"". A riverboat comes into view with a clear person on board near the front. Lara is looking skeptical and curious as the boat pulls up beside her. One of the men aboard (there is only two of them, the other is the driver), wearing an explorer outfit, begins conversation with Lara.

"I don’t want to be misrepresented by that retarded researcher you just been with, er..." he tells her, prompting at the end for a name as Lara clambers onto the boat.

"Lara" says Lara simply. "I’m Doctor Willard." he says, turning around and walking towards a sheltered part of the boat. Lara follows him curiously. "I’d come to converse with Tony myself, but I saw you were doing a rather more creditable job, I think. Indeed, I’m inspired! I’d like to offer you other work."

He seats himself into a chair and gestures Lara into one opposite him. Lara, incredulous about Willard's proposal, says "What?! Shoot the breeze with some of your other boys? No thanks!"

Willard, trying to reassure her that they'll be no more Tony incidents, replies by saying "Fortunately, they were the only lab rats we let loose into the field. No. My request is for three other artefacts like this."

Lara, confused, holds out the Infada Stone in her hands."The Infada Tribe only had one artefact of this type. It’s unique. Anyway, what would your interest in it be?" At that time, Lara only knew that the Infada Stone was rumoured to contain great power, and did not know of it's true and diverse history.

"I'll show you" says Willard. He picks up the stone from Lara and places it onto a work table next to him.
Lara reading the diary

"It’s not from India. Rather an island near Antarctica. It is in fact meteorite rock that has been fashioned and used by Polynesians who once settled there many, many years ago. See that, that’s unique, and unknown material." he says as he opens a laptop briefcase, and uses a scanning tool on the Infada Stone. A small graphic diagram is seen on the screen, which doesn't seem to mean anything in particular to us, but the laptop then bleeps to indicate that this material registers as they types Willard is looking for.

"So how did it end up here?" asks Lara, who had stood up and was interestedly looking at the screen.

"Formed from the planets, sculpted by Polynesians, distributed by goons," says Willard eagerly, "Our excavations and investigations have led us to this:" He indicates a small, brown book on the desktop and Lara picks it up as Willard says "A sailor’s diary from Charles Darwin expedition on the HMS Beagle."

Stephen Barr looking at the island

Lara, reading the diary in her head begins one of the accounts: "August 14th, 1834...". Her voice changes to that of Stephen Barr, the previous owner of the diary. We see a ship, certainly the HMS Beagle, for a brief moment before a close up of Stephen on a small desk on the deck. He thinks "This voyage is getting too boring for me to go on with this journey. My adventures at sea are a embarrassment. The only tales I’ll have to tell are hours of bird watching, picking and pressing flowers, following the blessformus ideas of the governor, Darwin." Stephen is seen viewing a distant, icy islands over the side of the ship (just before he gets badly sprayed by sea water. "But this doesn’t even concern me know. I just want food, something more than vegetable broth in me. Today we five have made a pact." We see a group of five men in a small boat row away from the vessel, to the aforementioned icy island. "The only sampling we’ll be doing is for meat, pure, solid, blood rich meat."

We see all five sailors make there way across the barren and icy land following the tracks of an animal, specifically a wolf, which they had discovered. One man sees that they lead into a cave. Bravely, they all enter, carrying lanterns. Icicles dominate most of the ceiling.

"The snow’s run out, the tracks have gone!" says the man in front. "Just keep going, we’re on it’s trail." says another.

Stephen, looking apprehensive, is seen with a drawn pistol and uses his lantern to view some carved texture in the wall. They follow the cave passage to an opening with an icy walkway ahead. Slowly, they all walked along the path to a large, central icy platform.

"There’s something here!" says one man, kneeling in the ice. He whistles enthusiastically and pulls out the Ora Dagger from it.
The Ora Dagger held by one of the men

"Look, there’s another one. What’ya reckon they’re worth?" says another sailor, while Stephen explores other sections of this cave with his lantern. He views a tall, man made statue. Suddenly, he hears a scuffle, and he quickly looks in the direction it came from. We see nothing but paw-prints, but the way the camera is moving symbolizes that those tracks weren't there a second ago... Stephen follows these new tracks, and reaches were Paul Caulfield is standing.

"Too late, there’s only four, none for you!" he says teasingly, momentarily holding up his artefact; the Infada Stone.

Stephen sees a dark shadow standing upon the rock behind Paul.

"Paul..." says Stephen warily.

"Wha-" begins Paul, but is attacked from the side by a wolf, pushing him to the ground. The wolf bites into his neck, and Paul scream echoes across the cavern. Stephen uses his drawn pistol to shoot the wolf, who isn't immediately killed, but runs off. Stephen examines Paul's groaning body; he is seriously injured and losing a lot of blood.

Stephen attempts to carry him out, despite the impatient and distressed calls for him to leave without him, as the cavern starts to collapse. The wolf tries to escape the falling debris but is punctured on an icicle, while Stephen and the almost dead body of Paul crash below into a sliding ice tunnel which eventually deposits them back outside. Paul is now completely dead, blood spurted on his face.
Paul dies from loss of blood

The location once more changes to that of a wooden gravestone bearing Paul's name. Stephen is hastily giving the others and important note; "Nobody better say nothing about this to the governor, else will be back having to walk down that to the creature for it’s samples. Paul fell down a crevice, Ok?"

"Ok, Stephen" says one man.

"Amen" says another.

The scene changes back to Willard and Lara in India.

"Stephen was to be the only survivor of the four." begins Willard, starting to pack away some of the equipment he had used to examine the Infada Stone, "When he arrived back in London, he superstitiously sold off his artefact, having seen his pals murdered and killed with theirs. One here in India, one in the South Pacific, and one in Nevada. The places where I’d like you to go."

Lara closes the diary and hands it back to Willard. "Sounds good to me." she says, smiling.
Sounds Good to me...

The boat continues on down the river as the cutscene ends.

Area Selection

Area Selection Screen

As soon as the FMV Cutscene ends, you are presented with the level statistics information box, in this case the Caves of Kaliya level, as usual. The India image/loading screen is seen behind it, indicating that you have successfully completed the India section. After deselecting this levels’ statistics box the Area Selection Screen will appear in the form of a distinguishable globe. You current location will display as a flashing dot in the obvious location of India, and the globe will initially start at the South Pacific section option. This globe is the Tomb Raider III mechanism of choosing the three non-linear sections of the game; London, Nevada or the South Pacific areas. This globe will re-appear at the end of every successfully completed section, prompting you to select the next area you wish to do. At the end of the third and final non-linear section the globe will appear one last time, but this time it will rotate slightly so the Antarctica option is visible and accessible.

The Area Selection Screen

Your Choice

It is completely up to you how you order these three non-linear adventures, though obviously you must complete all three in order to access the game’s climax levels in Antarctica. However, this article can recommend and detail information of each section in terms of difficulty and game advantages along with equal disadvantages.

Choose Wisely

Use the left and right directional buttons on the keypad or game console (PC or PS respectively) to move the globe to the next available location. As said before, the globe appears first at the South Pacific location, so press right to view Nevada, or left to see London. Press the Action button to select your choice, though while selecting, do remember the following recommendations and information about each section or you may suffer in the long run (NB: The information given here is not in full detail as it would contain too many spoilers. Further information can be found later in the article).

  • In each of the previous two Tomb Raider’s, Lara had lost her weapons at some point of the game. There is no exception in Tomb Raider III. She will lose her weapons in Nevada, more specifically in the level High Security Compound. She will also lose all her ammo, something never done before. Because she loses her weapons inevitably here in Nevada, this section should most definitely be done first. Although it would be very annoying to lose the amount of ammo you may of obtained in the India levels, if you leave this section to last, you’ll just have more and more ammo to lose, and you’ll never get it back. Also, the high power weapon the Rocket Launcher is only found in the London section, so if you leave Nevada to last, you’ll never get that back too (and this particular weapon can be very handy in Antarctica).
  • In terms of difficulty, London is the most intricate to complete. Some of the levels there are extremely difficult to complete without any walkthrough guidance. The South Pacific islands section is perhaps the most easy to finish. Most levels there can be completed very quickly and without walkthrough guidance at all.
  • Although once you complete Nevada, you can then decide which of London or the South Pacific you want to precede to, I would recommend London so you can get the hardest section over and done with, although, as said, it does not matter which order you take as long as Nevada is completed.

Once you have chosen your selection whether based on your own personal judgement or the information suggested here, select the location using the Action Button. The globe will disappear and the new loading screen/location image will appear depending on your selected location. Jump to Location As the game is now non-linear, so should this article. Select either Nevada, London or the South Pacific from the boxes below to jump to the information about that particular section, and continue with the article from there.

Area Selection


NEVADA loading.jpg


LONDON loading.jpg

South Pacific Islands

