Turkey was one of the locations Lara travelled to in the original Tomb Raider. It was later mentioned in The Angel of Darkness.
Tomb Raider Visits and Mentions
This section explains why the second set of levels take part in Turkey. Firstly Midas was a king of Phrygia, an area that is now in modern day Turkey. If Midas had a palace, it would have been in Turkey. The Greek architecture which is present in these levels might convince you that the levels should be taking place in Greece. But the folk who originally populated Phrygia were from Greece and they bought Greek culture, music and architecture with them. Colosseums have been found all over Eastern Turkey and also Christian monasteries, which can give explanations, on behalf of St. Francis' Folly and Colosseum. The Palace and the Colosseum were probably remains of Pessinus, the city within Phrygia where Midas ruled. The monastery was built on top of the ruins, since the monks knew of the Tomb of Tihocan which lay below and they decided to protect it and keep it secret.
The Angel of Darkness
It is said that the last of the Nephilim was supposed to be buried there. Lara finds crates in the Strahov in Prague which are labelled Turkey. It seemed that the Sleeper was already brought there by a man, soon to turn into a zombie in The Sanitarium.