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Enemy Type regular enemy
Classification Dinosaur
Weapons Claws, Teeth

The Velociraptor is an enemy you will meet in Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider III and is also in Tomb Raider Anniversary. It is a bipedal dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur first discovered in Mongolia and China in the early 20th century by Henry Fairfield Osborn, the Velociraptor was somewhat obscure until the movie Jurassic Park. Since then, the Velociraptor and dinosaurs like it have been staples in numerous video games, movies and books.

In Latin, Velociraptor means "Speedy Thief". This is an indication of the speed of the Velociraptor, which can quickly outrun Lara, making fleeing from them extremely difficult. The red beasts also hunt in pairs and are highly agile, attacking Lara with their razor-sharp teeth and their iconic "Killer Claws".

Tomb Raider

The velociraptors appear in the Lost Valley and Tomb of Qualopec level. In the Lost Valley, the velociraptors always attack in pairs.

Tomb Raider III

The velociraptors return in Crash Site, retaining their behavior from Tomb Raider (attacking in pairs), however, they also attack the Soldiers in the area as well as Lara.

Tomb Raider Anniversary

The velociraptors attack in groups of three, and are capable of a charged rage attack. They appear in the Lost Valley and the Tomb of Qualopec.