Palace Midas

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Template:Levelline|Palace Midas
Template:Levelline|Tomb Raider
Level No 7
Secrets 3
Length 60 minutes
Location Turkey
Template:Levelline|Level Chronology
Colosseum Palace Midas The Cistern


  • Find 3 Lead Bars
  • Convert them into golden bars
  • Use the 3 Golden Bars to open the door to The Cistern


Midas - was a character in Greek mythology, who is mostly recognized for his ability to turn anything he touched into gold. He was king of Pessinus, a city in Phrygia in Asia Minor, who as a child was adopted by Gordias and Cybele. He was known for being a hedonist, and an excellent rose gardener, and according to the myth, he had one son, Lityerses; but in some variations of the myth he had a daughter, Zoe, instead of a son.
