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Unlimited Ammo, Weapons:

Step forward, step back, turn at least 3 times, jump back.

Level Skip:

Step forward, step back, turn at least 3 times, jump forward.


All Weapons, Medipacks, Flares:

On the inventory screen press: Left1.gif Triangle.gif Left2.gif Right2.gif Right2.gif Left2.gif Circle.gif Left1.gif
Lara will groan, when the cheat worked.

Level Skip:

On the inventory screen press: Left2.gif Right2.gif Triangle.gif Left1.gif Left1.gif Circle.gif Right2.gif Left2.gif

Sega Saturn

Weapons, Ammo, Medipacks:

On the inventory screen press: Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and START. Then A and UP.

Level Skip:

On the inventory screen, last page of passport press: Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and START, followed by C.