India Section

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India is the first section of Tomb Raider III, you must complete it before you can choose between the next 3 locations (Nevada , London and South Pacific).

India is mainly a jungle location with some temples to explore and the river Ganges to cross. You cannot swim in the river, however there are a couple of smaller currents and some pools where you will be able to swim and dive. Some parts of the third level have to be explored with the quad bike. In the jungle you will encounter tigers, monkeys (which are harmless in the first level but will attack in the second), cobras (they will poison you and you have to use a medipack to heal the wound), piranhas (which are waiting for you in some parts of the river), vultures and Shiva statues which come to live. The traps that await you are mud (if you get stuck in there you will drown), spikes, spikewalls, boulders, falling rocks, fire emitters, currents and gaps you have to jump over. Your task is to get the Infada Stone. At the campsite after the first level you will encounter Tony, he will tell you some strange stuff. You will encounter him after the second level again, he will attack you. After you have fought Tony for the Infada Stone you will encounter Dr. Willard, who will tell you more about the Infada stone. He will send you on a journey to recover three more artefacts hidden at different places around the globe.



See also

India (location)