CCG Premier

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The Premier release of the Collectible Card Game was published in 1999.

It consists of 209 cards.

The following packs were for sale:

Special Cards: The Lenticular multi-view Lara card.
Promos Released during the set included: Lil Ol Me, Karmic Balance, Lara Croft Explorer


1.Cave Entrance Cave LocationInto the Caves Quest Deck
2.Safe Cave Cave Location
3.Treasure Cave Cave Location
4.Skeletal Remains Cave Location
5.Dim Cavern Cave Location
6.Giant Cavern Cave Location
7.Open Cavern Cave Location
8.Overlook Cave Location
9.Fork Cave Location
10.Bat Cave Cave Location
11.Wolf Bridge Cave Location
12. Cave Location
13. Cave Location
14. Cave Location
15. Cave Location
16. Cave Location
17. Cave Location
18. Cave Location