Small Scorpions

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Revision as of 12:57, 3 October 2006 by Tombraidergirl (talk | contribs) (Scorpions moved to Small Scorpions)

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Scorpion (Karnak)

Lara encounters scorpions in The Last Revelation. There are three kinds of them. Small scorpions, small poisonous scorpions and huge scorpions.

Weaponshots it takes
Pistols10 bullets - 5 shots
Shotgun (normal)1 shot
Shotgun (widespread)2 shots
Uzis10 bullets (same as pistols)
Grenadegun (Normal Ammo)1 shot (can kill all scorpions in the vicinity)
Grenadegun (Super Ammo)
Grenadegun (Flash Ammo)no effect on scorpions