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Revision as of 13:02, 15 June 2015

Rise of the Tomb Raider at E3 2015 will fill you in on all the latest news emerging at this years E3. As you might be aware several members of the Tomb Raider community (mainly webmasters) have been invited by Microsoft and Square Enix to attend the event and to get a closer look at Rise of the Tomb Raider.

What we knew before

Rise of the Tomb Raider, often shortened to RotTR or simply Rise, will come exclusively to Xbox. It's been developed for Xbox One and - by a third party - ported to Xbox 360, to allow a wider range of fans to play the game.

The game is scheduled to come out somewhere around the holiday season 2015.

Lara's curiosity brings her to Siberia, to the Lost City of Kitezh, in search of immortality, but a shady organization called Trinity is also interested in the place and its secrets.

You will find more details within the actual Rise of the Tomb Raider article.

What E3 brings us

Let's wait and see what Microsoft reveals at the press conference and what Square Enix showcases in their booth.