Hartford Compton

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Hartford Compton
Died January 2000
Nationality British
Occupation Chauffeur, Bodyguard
Comic(s) Saga of the Medusa Mask:

Hartford Compton is a former bodyguard and chauffeur of the Croft family.


Falklands War

Hartford Compton fought with Lord Henshingley Croft in the Falklands War. Lord Croft saved his life once.

Compton is much, much more than a Chauffeur, Lara. He's been with me since we served in the Faulklans war.
Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, Issue 2

Time as Chauffeur and Bodyguard

After the war Compton became the family's chauffeur. But Lord Croft not only paid him to drive the car, but also to protect the family and serve as bodyguard and pilot.

Plane Crash

When in 1988 the Croft family jet crashes, killing everyone but Lara, Compton was not aboard. He resumes his duties as bodyguard with Lara.

Medusa Mask Adventure

He betrays Lara to get the Medusa Mask, but he is killed in the process.