Twin Pistols

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The Twin Pistols were Laras reliable companions in the Classic Tomb Raiders. In The Angel of Darkness they were badly missed by the players. The make their return in Tomb Raider Legend.

Tomb Raider Legend

Pistol in Legend

from the official site

Lara's signature companions. Ever reliable, ever lethal. Just like Lara. The twin pistols are counterbalanced to reduce recoil, and include custom capacity magazines.

In Game

The pistol has a clip size of 30 rounds, which is upgradable to 40 rounds, and Lara can carry infinite amount of ammo for it. Its range, clip size and damage is upgradable by collecting both bronze and silver secrets within the game. As oppose to older games, the pistol must reload due to the magazine introduced in the game. Weak and short-ranged, it is devestating when in close range combat due the the fact that Lara can combine her moves with her pistol to achieve maximum efficiency.