Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

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Angel of Darkness is the 6th Tomb Raider Game. It is the first with a completely new game engine. And it is the first to appear on a Next Generation Console, the PS2.

New Features:

New health items (Chocolate Bars, Health Pills, Health Bandages)
New moves (stealth mode, crawling on the belly)


A series of grisly murders brings Lara into conflict with a sinister Alchemist from the past, and a secret alliance of powerful individuals shrouded in mystery. At the center of these mysteries are the Obscura Paintings - five 14th century pieces of art that the Alchemist is desperate to repossess. Accused of the murder of her one time mentor, Werner Von Croy, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run. Pursued by the police, she follows the Alchemist into a dark world of blood, betrayal and vengeance where it is up to her to defeat this unholy alliance, and stop them from unleashing their incredible powers on the world.


Parisian Ghetto:
Parisian Back Streets
Derelict Apartment Block
Industrial Rooftops
Carvier's Apartment
Parisian Ghetto
St. Aichards Church
Cafe Metro
Serpent Rouge
St. Aichards Graveyard 
Bouchard's Hideout
Rennes Pawnshop
Storm Drains
Archaeological Dig
Tomb of Ancients
Hall of Seasons
Wrath of the Beast
Sanctuary of Flame
Breath of Hades
Neptune's Hall
Galleries Under Siege
Von Croy's Apartment 

Monstrum Crimescene
Strahov Fortress
Bio Research Facility
The Sanitarium
Maximum Containment Area
Aquatic Research Facility
The Vault of Trophies
Boaz Returns
The Lost Domain
Eckhardt's Lab


Kurtis Trent
Werner Von Croy
Margot Carvier
Louis Bouchard